Welcome Back Felicia!

We’d like to introduce our research assistant, Felicia, who joined us again this year. She also joined the lab last 2017.

Here is a short introduction from her:

Hey there, I’m Felicia and a returning member who was with the lab back in 2017! After graduating from Yale-NUS College with a major in Psychology (minor in Mathematical, Computational & Statistical Sciences), I was with Entrepreneur First, an early-stage tech investor, where I helped to bring together entrepreneurs to build startups. I also worked on multiple startup projects, learning first-hand about how research from the academic labs can translate to real-world applications. 
Currently, I’m involved in 2 main themes of research: Mindfulness/Affective Health technologies, as well as Heads-Up Computing. I enjoy collaborating with fellow lab members on these topics and hope to contribute to research efforts in mental health technology, the intersection of which will be my focus in graduate school. 
Cerebral stuff aside, I love producing music, taking long walks to nowhere and doing yoga (Yin mostly because I’m quite lazy).

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