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PhD Student Joins NUS-HCI Lab

We have a new PhD freshman from China, Zhou Chen. Here is an introduction from her:

Hi, my name is Zhou Chen. I graduated from Jilin University in China, with a bachelor’s degree in Internet of Things in 2016. I have 4-year development work experience so far.  I have been working in ThoughtWorks as a software engineer for about two years. Then I moved from computer backend work to frontend because of my interest in working close to users. Therefore, my practical work experience of frontend development started with my employment at Beike company in 2018. I worked here for half a year. Finally, I managed to work in the Ant group, Alipay as a Senior front-end Engineer, where I have gained a lot of practical knowledge and work abilities. During those working days, although I have stepped into and working on various fields, the potential of HCI and AI attracted me all the time. In the project of pursuing user experience through code interaction design, I have been thinking about the possibility of the next generation of interaction. Owing to my interest in this, I hope to spend time and energy focusing on it. This is what led me to join the NUS HCI lab. My research interest is multimodal interaction. I hope that technology can bring small and beautiful changes to the world and bring warmth to those who need it.

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