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New Research Intern, Olzhas

We have a new research intern from Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology, Olzhas Yessenbayev. Get to know him:

“Hello! I’m Olzhas Yessenbayev, a final-year student in UNIST’s Biomedical Engineering and Industrial Engineering program.I’m passionate about Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research, particularly as applied to advancing general well-being and health through the use of ML sensing and novel interaction techniques. My current interests focus on exploring how we can better utilize the full range of our sensory, perceptive and expressive capabilities in models for human behavior sensing, and persuasive technology. Right now, I am looking forward to working with Chen Yang (Sonne) on the SSpoon project.I am excited to join the NUS HCI Lab, contribute to its research mission and learn more from its talented members!”

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