We welcome you
to join us for
an enriching experience

NUS-HCI Lab is offering an opportunity for research talents to contribute to our exciting and meaningful vision of Heads-Up Computing. Learn and apply new research skills together with diverse members of the lab, through the following programs:

Part-Time Research Attachment Program (Singapore/Remote)


  • Willing to commit for at least 2 months (in Singapore) or 4 months (remotely)
  • Currently an undergraduate or Master student
  • Good technical and research analysis skills

Note that part-time positions are typically carried out on a voluntary basis.

Full-Time Paid Internship


  • Must be in Singapore, and not remote
  • Willing to commit full-time for at least 4 months
  • Currently undergraduate or has recently graduated with a bachelor

Note that full-time positions may receive salaries depending on the arrangement.

Both programs share the following information


  • Independently manage time to clear tasks
  • Meet at least once a week for project updates/discussions
  • Assist the development and design of currently active research projects through at least one of the following
    • Create videos
    • Review literature
    • Design illustrations and system interfaces
    • Code with Java (for Android) or C# (for Unity)
    • Conduct experiments and analyse results


  • Increase understanding of HCI research processes
  • Increase understanding of NUS-HCI Lab: its culture and values
  • Direct collaboration and networking opportunities with PhD students or PostDoc

Potential Rewards

  • Pursue Master or PhD with NUS-HCI Lab (if good performance)
  • Letter of recommendation by Prof. Shen (if good performance and duration is at least 6 months)
  • Paper/Journal authorship (if the contribution is significant and project is successfully published)


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the average hours of commitment for the part-time attachment?
    • The hours of commitment depends on the project and situation.
    • To make meaningful contributions, at least 10 hours per week will be useful.

  • Which Master/PhD program is available?
    • Please refer to the official programs offered by NUS School of Computing.

  • Is there any deadline to the research programs?
    • No deadline, as we are reviewing applications on a rolling basis.

  • I am currently on Leave of Absence (LOA) this semester. Which program should I apply to?
    • The Part-time Research Attachment Program is suitable for students on LOA.