The NUS-HCI lab was established in 2009 by Dr. Shengdong (Shen) Zhao. In the past decade, it has grown to be one of the most active HCI research centers in Asia and in the world. The lab has a wealth of experience in developing new interface tools and applications (i.e., Draco, won best iPad App of the year in 2016), and publishes regularly in top HCI conferences and journals (i.e., CHI, ToCHI, Ubicomp/IMWUT, CSCW, UIST, IUI, MobileHCI, etc.). The NUS-HCI Lab puts fostering the growth of its members as one of its most important goals, and adopts open and transparent policy for everyone to work together.

Our Vision: Heads-Up Computing
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We have an ambitious vision to fundamentally change the way we interact with technology through Heads-Up Computing - the next interaction paradigm, built on a wearable platform consisting of head, hand, and body modules that distributes the input and output capabilities of the device to match the human input and output channels. Heads-Up proposes a voice + gesture multimodal interaction approach, which once realized, can significantly change the way we work and live - imagine being able to attend to and manipulate information seamlessly while engaging in a variety of indoor and outdoor daily activities such as cooking, exercising, hiking, socializing with friends, etc.
For more information, please check out the homepage for Heads-Up computing.
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